With a bewildering range of tyres available - we'll find the right ones for you...

Every car and motorcycle relies on its tyres to provide grip on the road and not only are tyres in good condition needed to help corner and steer they are also a legal requirement. For cars the minimum tyre tread depth is 1.6mm and for motorcycles it is 1mm, new tyres come with around 7mm of tread on them and how long they last depends on how they are used, what make they are and the condition of the cars they are used on and the road they are driven on.
Tyres can wear unevenly meaning that they wear out quickly because the cars is constantly wearing away at just one small section rather than spreading the wear across the whole tyre, this usually caused because the car is out of track or requires it tracing adjusting this is sometimes a simple adjustment of the wheel alignment or other times it may require a worn component to be replaced.
E M Hughes Auto Centre can provide tyres from most manufactures at competitive prices and advise you on how to get the most from your tyres. We can provide car and motorcycle tyres and offer a fast convenient fitting service.